Thursday, October 18, 2007

Welcome to Women for Ron Paul

Ron Paul discussed on "The View"

Hi Girls, I've started this blog because we women make up a small minority of Ron Paul's support group. I'm not sure why there are not more female supporters of Ron Paul. The media likes to paint a picture of Ron Paul's supporters being a bunch of white males. But that is not the case. There are many female supporters of Ron Paul's campaign and we need to make our voices heard!

There are many reasons for us to support Ron Paul. Here are just a few of these reasons:

The War in Iraq. If you are against this war, there is no other candidate who is speaking out against it as firmly as Ron Paul. He would end this mess that we are in and he would begin to bring back the brave women and men who are serving overseas in over 130 foreign countries. Can you believe that? We have soldiers in 130 countries! No wonder so many people in the world hate us! Ron Paul believes that we should spread democracy by example: through trading with other nations and showing the world that we are a free nation with equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. We must stop trying to spread democracy through the force of guns and bombs. No other candidate stands for this policy. Every other major candidate advocates expanding our foreign policy, continuing the war and continuing to send young servicewomen and servicemen to fight wars on foreign soil.

Empowering Working Women. If you are a working woman and you are sick of over 30% of your paycheck going to the goverment to support wars, welfare, government pork and programs that don't agree with your values, then Ron Paul is the only candidate working to put more money into your wallet. In fact, his ultimate goal is to completely abolish the Federal Income tax! Wouldn't that be amazing? This would give us more money to spend on our children's education, on charity, on our health and more money to invest so that we can live a long, prosperous life with as little stress as possible.

Abortion. This is a tricky one because many women, myself included, are pro-choice. Ron Paul is personally pro-life. Hey, that's ok. Most people in my family are pro-life. Ron Paul believes that abortion is not something that the Federal Government should be involved in. He wants the Federal Government 100% out of the abortion issue. This means that no United States president, nor his or her administration, will have any say in determining a woman's right to choose. It is a federal hands-off policy. Ron Paul believes that the decision should be left up to the individual states. That means the Fed should not support abortion, nor should it support any pro-life programs. All of this will be handled locally. Pro-choice people like myself can mobilize and fight hard to keep abortion legal in our respective states. It is our right.

Education. If you have children, this is a huge issue for you. Ron Paul's goals for education are incredible and so family-friendly. He will use the Family Education Freedom Act to reduce our taxes - making it easier to pay for our children's education. Imagine that: having money to send our kids to better schools - schools that are not regulated by our government - schools that share our personal values and beliefs - schools without guns and knives - and schools that encourage children to be free-thinking individuals capable of accomplishing their dreams.

Protecting our Property. The concept of private property is becoming an obscure concept to many Americans. This is frightening. More and more often we see our government working with huge corporations to build stadiums, shopping centers and busy highways. In order to do this, they literally drive people out of their homes through the cleverly labled "eminent domain" policies. The Democrats are the worst offenders of this. Ron Paul would see to it that private property is better protected. This means that we can have total control over our homes, cars and valuables.

The War on Drugs. This year alone, we have already spend over 40 billion dollars on the "War on Drugs" and that number is rising fast. Where does that money come from? The answer: your wallet. Every 20 seconds, someone is arrested in our country for a drug charge. Nearly 43% of every drug-related arrest is a marijuana-related charge. That's right, marijuana: the drug that nearly all of us have done. Or, if we have not done it, we all know people (some whom we respect and love) who have done it. This means that many of us and many of our friends are at risk to be thrown in jail for doing something that is harming nobody! There are about 7 million Americans in prison, on parole or on probation. Over 2 million of them are incarcerated in prison. More than half of them are in prison for drug crimes. This means that we have more people in prison than China and Russia! And we are supposed to be "the land of the free"! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this is having a detrimental effect on our families. Families are being torn apart because of these insane drug laws - especially African American families. Thousands of young black men with incredible potential as fathers are being thrown into prison for years. Ron Paul understands that drug abuse is a health problem and, as a doctor, he understands that we must rethink this drug policy. While he does not condone drug use, he believes that throwing people in prison with murderers, rapists and child abusers is not the answer to solving our country's drug problem.

Individual Rights. Above all, this is what Ron Paul stands for because everything boils down to this: our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as guaranteed by our Constitution. No other candidate tells a more inspirational message. Ron Paul's message of individual rights is more powerful than any other candidates, including Rudy Guiliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and our socialist sister Hillary Clinton.

Ladies, let's take back our power and join a revolution that can only change our country for the better. A Ron Paul presidency will not solve all of our problems - it would be foolish to think that. However, it will be the beginning of a new direction for the United States of America - a direction that we must take in order to progress. Democrat, Republican and Independent women around the country are desperately needed to make this revolution a reality


Anonymous said...

Hello to my online "sister".

Lisa C.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.